Monday, December 5, 2011

Past few months

For the last three months my DH has been home with me. See back in September he was walking across the yard and his 5th metatarsal broke. I was walking beside him and heard it break. It was one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard. This morning we went for his 4th and final orthopaedic surgeon appointment, in hopes of getting some good news. What we received was not so good news. Although my DH has been released to return to work tomorrow, finally
Farmer Steve is not feeling so great!

The stubborn bone has not filled in with bone or scar tissue. Basically, we were told that it may or may never heal,  and as long as there is no pain or very little pain present that we should do nothing else; but if he begins to have non-stop pain then he will require a screw and some more down time. Argh!

I'm sure tomorrow having the house to myself I am not going to know how to act. It's been a long three months with him here torturing me. LOL So if I start posting crazy in the next few days. It's simply because I have way to much time on my hands. I should be tied up with some finals but after that I'm free for a few weeks.

~ FarmGirlPin It

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